By Esther Thompson

New blends: Guilt-Free Chocolate, Hangover Help and Yummy Mummy

100% of our recommend us to their friends

Earlier in the Summer we did some research on the people who buy our teas online. The results were staggering and made us really proud.

100% of people said they would recommend us to a friend

97% of people said they would re-order online or repeat purchase in a shop

We received some really constructive feedback with people looking for more herbal tea blends, longer string on our tea bags, a better looking website and ways to buy our teas without paying postage & packaging. So we listened, grabbed a cup of tea and took action.

This month we launched our new website and we’re really proud of it. We think it looks fresh and vibrant. We also think it is easy to use. We’ve got some gorgeous photography done which really brings our products to life.

 We’re also really excited about our three new blends:

A Guilt-Free Choccy tea – which is divine! It tastes like a rich and luxurious chocolate drink and has real chunks of chocolate in it! 

A Hangover Help tea - this has a base of black tea and is packed with soothing herbs such as ginger and milk thistle to settle your stomach and ease your sore head. Works well with big sunglasses!

Our third new blend is a Yummy Mummy tea - it has a base of rooibos and is packed with powerful fennel and fenugreek and is a natural helping hand for breastfeeding mothers.

We’ve launched some new packaging which we’re really excited about. All our teas are now available in clear pouches which can be sent to all UK addresses without paying any p&p. We can now offer reduced postal rates to our customers all around the world. Hurrah!

We really hope you enjoy our new teas and our website as much as we do! Here's to making the best herbal tea!

Happy shopping! x


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